Tuesday, April 2, 2013


The Ku Klux Klan is America's oldest, most visible and most (in)famous hate group. They consider themselves a Christian organization and base their doctrines upon their own reading of the Bible. Their theology is strongly influenced by Christian Reconstructionism - they hope to "reconstruct" the United States along biblical (primarily Old Testament) lines and to establish a white-dominated theocracy. A cross burning is the most well-known symbol of the Klan. Many Christians consider it sacrilege to burn or otherwise destroy a cross. Klan Christians, however, state that it is not destroying the cross, but "lighting" it, as a symbol of the members' faith. 

Now, why am I talking about the KKK? Well, in Memphis on Saturday there was a KKK Rally. That is right, the KKK STILL exists. I was just as shocked...

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