Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Christ Pantocrator

Figures in Byzantine art are highly stylized. The goal was to have symbols which clearly represent people, not to portray them as they appear on earth, because the emphasis was on their religious souls. Figures generally look elongated. Since Byzantine art isn't meant to portray natural images, artists didn't create depth or perspective. 

The icon image of Christ Pantocrator is one of the most widely used religious images of Orthodox Christianity. Usually, in Byzantine church art and architecture, an iconic mosaic or fresco of Christ Pantocrator occupies the sapce in the central dome of the church. This iconic image was one of the first images of Christ developed in the Early Christian Church. Christ Pantocrator portrays Christ as both Moral Judge and Lover of Mankind. In his left hand, Christ holds the Gospel. His right hand makes the gesture of teaching or of blessing. This blessing proclaims God’s loving kindness towards us and is showing us that we are forgiven.    

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