Friday, May 3, 2013

Lecrae cont.

Two of my favorite Lecrae songs are Represent and Don't Waste Your Life

Some of my favorite lyrics from Represent include:

I feel your pain homey, I got the same story
But since you came to Christ you got to bring His name Glory

You've been reborn and you don't have to do the same stuff
You live regenerate, you get the benefit of Christ crucified 

Some of my favorite lyrics from Don't Waste Your Life include:

Paul said if Christ ain't resurrected we've wasted our lives
Well that implies that our life's built around Jesus being alive
Everyday I'm living tryin' to show the world why
Christ is more than everything you'll every try

We're created for Him

Magnify the Father why bother with something lesser
He made us so we could bless Him
To the world we confess Him

To live is Christ and that's Paul I recall
To die is gain so for Christ we give it all
He's the treasure you'll never find in a mall

'Cause I'm constantly trying to be used to praise the Christ 


A different take on how the Gospel is shared......

Lecrae Moore is the Grammy Award–winning rapper who represents the face of the gospel hip-hop movement. In songs like "Jesus Muzik," "Don't Waste Your Life" (based on the sermon by John Piper), and "Black Rose," Lecrae has developed a hard-hitting, straight-talking style that speaks to the everyday realities of fallen sinners and unfolds the cosmic solution to the problem of evil: Jesus Christ.

Fertilizer Plant Explosion Won't Stop Church Service

Even the fertilizer plant explosion won't stop a church in West, Texas from having it's church service. On the first Sunday after the explosion destroyed part of the small Texas town, pastor John Crowder of First Baptist Church help his congregations church service in the middle of a hayfield. Pastor Crowder stood on a flatbed and spoke to his congregation. 

National Day of Prayer

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” - 2 Chronicles 7:14

The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May. Yesterday, May 2nd, was National Day of Prayer. National Dat of Prayer invites people of all faiths to pray for the nation. The mission of the National Day of Prayer is to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the culture. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress, and it was signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. The National Day of Prayer is transforming our national through the power of prayer.  

This years theme was "All Together, All for Him"  

Brazilian Priest Excommunicated

The Roman Catholic Church has excommunicated Brazilian priest Father Roberto Francisco Daniel. His excommunication was a result of some of his teachings. Most recently he has taught that same-sex marriage is OK. Daniel has also expressed other controversial views. One of the most shocking was when he suggested that adultery is acceptable as long as the person's spouse is aware of it and allows it. Wow.....

Excommunication, or expulsion from the church, bars a believer from participating in the liturgy n a ministerial capacity, however it encourages the guilty party to work towards restoring their relationship with the church. Despite his excommunication, Daniel has not backed down from his controversial views.  

Former Pope Benedict Returns to Live at Vatican

Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, the first pope in about 600 years to step down and retire at the end of February, is returning to the Vatican. It has been reported that he will return to live at the Vatican. Benedict will live in a converted monastery located behind St. Peter's Basilica, where Pope Francis lives. Benedict will live with his secretary and four lay nuns who will help with his daily needs. There is also a guest room for Benedict's older brother. Benedict has said that he will not interfere in matters with the Vatican, and will only give advice to Pope Francis if he ever asks for it. This is the first time in the history of the Roman Catholic Church that the Vatican will be home to two Popes.  

Tebow remains strong in his faith

Tim Tebow, NFL quarterback who is known for his open displays of his Christian faith both on and off the field, is remaining strong in his faith after the New York Jets cut him on Monday. Tebow tweeted a verse from Proverbs that read, "Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Talking to an ESPN reported, Tebow said, "I felt like it was a learning opportunity for me. There was a lot that I'll take from it. There's a lot that I learned and there are lot of relationships that I've built, so I know that it happened for a reason."

A Homeless Man's Test

A homeless man in Austin, Texas recently did an experiment to see which religion cares the most about the homeless population. A photo shows the man sitting on the ground with pieces of paper labeling different religions. With each label is a bowl (and a hat) in which people can put money. The religions labeled include: Muslim, Atheist, Hindu, Jewish, Spiritual, Buddhist, Agnostic, Pagan, and Christian. When people have walked past him, some will ask about who is winning. The homeless man has been reported saying that Atheists and Christians are the two that give the most. He says that one day Atheists will be "winning" and the next day it is the Christians. Although this is not an accurate test, it is still very interesting.